As one of New Zealand’s largest fish quota owners, Vela Fishing understands the importance of sustainable fishing practises, to ensure the long-term productivity of our ocean resources.

New Zealand's marine fisheries waters (Exclusive Economic Zone and territorial sea) is the world's fourth largest EEZ and its 15,134km of coastline is the ninth largest in the world. Approximately 600,000 tonnes of wild caught seafood are sustainably harvested from our waters each year.

130 species are commercially fished in New Zealand. 100 of those species are managed under the Quota Management System (QMS) in 638 individual stock areas. New Zealand’s quota management system (QMS) is world renowned and provides a framework for preserving our abundant fish stocks well into the future.

Within the New Zealand EEZ (FAO 81) there are currently six fisheries that have been awarded Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for sustainable management. Over 50% of New Zealand’s wild catch is now certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship. These species include Hake, Hoki, Ling, Southern Blue Whiting, Orange Roughy, and Albacore Tuna.
Being a family-owned company we also recognise the need to preserve
and protect our marine environment for future generations.
17 areas within the New Zealand EEZ have been closed to bottom trawling since April 2007. These areas, known as benthic protection areas (BPA’s), protect at least 10% of each of the different seabed habitat types found within New Zealand waters. New Zealand's benthic protection area network is one of the world's largest marine conservation areas, covering an area four times the country's landmass.
More than 90% of New Zealand's seabed has never been touched by trawlers,
while 30% is protected by law from trawling.
World leaders
New Zealand became one of only two countries to achieve a top ranking in a review of fisheries management systems around the world in 2009, and in a second study, was ranked first among the 53 major fishing nations for managing marine resources.