Blue Mackerel
New Zealand Common Name: Blue Mackerel
Latin Name: Scomber australasicus
Processed form: Headed and gutted, Tail on
Sizes grades +1200g, 700-1200g, 330-700g
Approximate annual catch: 9,000 MT
Blue Warehou
New Zealand Common Name: Blue Warehou
Latin Name: Seriolella brama
Processed form: Headed and gutted, Tail on
Sizes grades +2000g, 1000-200g
Approximate annual catch: 3,500 MT

Ruby Fish
New Zealand Common Name: Ruby Fish
Latin Name: Plagiogeneion rubiginosus
Processed form: Whole round
Sizes grades +2000g, 1000-2000g
Approximate annual catch: 450 MT
Red Cod
New Zealand Common Name: Red Cod
Latin Name: Pseudophycis bachus
Processed form: Headed and gutted, Tail on
Sizes grades +1200g, 800-1200g, 500-800g, 400-500g
Approximate annual catch: 4,000 MT
New Zealand Common Name: Monkfish
Latin Name: Kathetostoma giganteum
Processed form: Headed and gutted, Tail on
Sizes grades +1200g, 800-1200g, 500-800g
Approximate annual catch: 3,000 MT

New Zealand Common Name: Gemfish
Latin Name: Rexea solandri
Processed form: Headed and gutted, Tail on
Sizes grades +2400g, 1200-2400g, 1000-1200g, 700-1000g, 500-700g, 400-500g
Approximate annual catch: 500 MT

Ray’s Bream
New Zealand Common Name: Ray’s Bream
Latin Name: Brama brama
Processed form: Headed and gutted, Tail on
Sizes grades +1000g, 500-1000g
Approximate annual catch: 200 MT

Ghost Shark
New Zealand Common Name: Ghost Shark
Latin Name: Hydrolagus sp.
Processed form: Headed, gutted, and tailed.
Sizes grades +1200g, 600-1200g, 400-600g, 300-400g
Approximate annual catch: 2,000 MT